1. Lasaunt & Clairol hair Jel color 2oz bottle – See new details in description

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Lasaunt no longer makes hair color however we have some colors still in stock.

Lasuant continues to make TSH and INITIATOR for color express service.

We have tested with experienced lasaunt color users the new clairol permanent color to be used same as lasaunt with good results. Simply use Clairol color instead of lasaunt color  with the Lasaunt TSH & INITIATOR.

If lasaunt color is out of stock it is discontinued and we will send the clairol. 

Lasaunt & Clairol  hair color 2oz bottle.

Color intro $150 / reg 188.85

includes: 20 colors, 32oz tsh , 32oz intiator, color bottle, swatch

 1.  order online and we will send 20 popular colors

 2.  If you want to choose colors: do not order online:

call office 205-655-0959 or write: [email protected]

Lasunt Color Express Developers:  Tsh and Initiator are the two developers which activate when mixed together with 2oz of lasaunt hair Jel color to create a 5 minute color express service.

To create permanent colors simply use any developer with color.

Ensure proper mixing: use the Lasaunt color mixing bottle.


Additional information

Lasaunt & Cliarol hair color 2oz bottle

lasaunt 150 intro, lasaunt swatch, 2oz 12a, 2oz 11a, 2oz 9a, 2oz 8a, 2oz 7a, 2oz 6a, 2oz 5a, 2oz 4a, 2oz pmb, 2oz 12g, 2oz 10g, 2oz 9g, 2oz 8g, 2oz 7g, 2oz 6g, 2oz 5g, 2oz 4g, 2oz pmg, 2oz clear 00, 2oz 8r, 2oz 7r, 2oz 6r, 2oz 4ra, 2oz 4rv, 2oz 4rm, 2oz 3r, 2oz 2r, 2oz pmr, 2oz 10n, 2oz 9n, 2oz 8n, 2oz 7N, 2oz 6n, 2oz 5n, 2oz 4n, 2oz 3n, 2oz 2n, 2oz 1n, Violet mixer


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